My Astrophotography
Astrophotography is really fun. I always desired to capture the starry sky in my camera in the times of my visual astronomy sessions. I began photographing the sky with my Panasonic point and shoot digital camera (DMC FS-15). The Panasonic camera had an option for taking long exposure shots. I took some shots of the night sky using this camera during Messier Marathon. Here are some shots taken with this camera!
My interest in astrophotography grew after that and I purchased my first Canon dslr camera. This camera improved my photography than my previous camera and eventually I developed interest in Deep Sky Photography. I then purchased an Equatorial mount with Right Ascension Motor and also bought the Sky Watcher 102/500 refractor OTA for deep sky photography.
Some of my latest astrophotos...
Below is the link of my Flickr Album
I m Kartik from Morbi. I am interested in starting astrophotography. Though I have been using DSLR since 10 yrs I haven't taken photos of sky objects. At school I use 8" DOBSONIAN for my students. We have spotted Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Hearts / Soul Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy and several clusters.
I have also build a barn-door trap for rotating the camera.
Please help me from where to start.
Also white Raan is good for gazing milky way.