The Great Nebula in Orion!

I took this image on 26th September 2012 using my Canon dslr camera and EQ5 mount. After purchasing single axis motor (RA motor) for my mount this was the first opportunity to try capturing this beautiful nebula. This time my mount was perfectly polar aligned so I had no problem taking shots with longer unguided exposures. First I tried with 30 second exposures and then I kept increasing exposure timings and finally I could take 16 shots with 2 minute exposures out of which I stacked 12 JPEG frames in Deep Sky Stacker with 10 dark frames. This is my reprocessed image and I did a lot of work during post processing in CS5. My previous image is here.

I am quite satisfied with the result as this was taken from the city. Next time I want to try RAW images with even longer exposures and hope will get more better result :)


Ulhas Deshpande said…
Excellent picture Rahul. Worth the time and effort.
Does your camera have an IR filter or have you removed it?
hussain said…
We used to get this sort of picks just from NASA-Hl-Tel. Your picture's wonder is to see it among the other stars. So wonderful!
Rahul Zota said…
thanks Ulhas.. I have a UV filter for my lens but I removed it during taking this picture coz it creates unwanted reflections!
Rahul Zota said…
thanks a lot Hussain :)