My observing report of comet C/2008 A1 (McNaught)

Hi friends ! Yesterday at gradually darkening evening (24 Oct) at 7:30pm I made a plan to observe comet C/2008 A1 (McNaught) which is near Zeta Ophiuchi. Its about 8th mag. I tracked its location using my software starrynight pro. 6. Although it was low in the south-west and just below the sky was hazy horizonand increased light pollution of Jubilee Circle which is very busy street of mycity. When I set my telescope to its location I faced some difficulty to see it with direct vision, hence I saw 8th magnitude fuzzy blob with averted vision. I spent few minutes and the view became better at 52x. After that I also wanted to see comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) but by that time it was lost in the light pollution ! I will manage to catch it in few days !
