Comet Garradd Close to Messier 92

Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd was just 36' SSW of the beautiful Globular Cluster Messier 92 in Hercules on the morning of 3rd February 2012. To capture it in my camera I used sky-watcher 102mm short-tube refractor on EQ5 mount. The mount wasn’t operated with motors to take longer exposure but I decided to take few images of shorter exposure with high ISO and later stack them using the deep sky stacker.

Camera: Canon EOS 550D

Telescope: Sky-watcher 102mm f/5 refractor

Mount: EQ5 without motors

Exposure: 13x4 seconds at ISO 3200

I guided the telescope manually keeping my eye in the view finder and keeping the globular cluster in the centre of the cross hair. I had to re-centre the cluster every time I take another shot!
