The biggest and the brightest moon of the year arrived during Saturday, May 5th 2012. It created great opportunity for many photographers among the world to capture the beauty of the full moon by keeping some lovely foreground objects. I also attempted to capture the Supermoon on the 5th and the 6th May as the minimum distance from earth was at 9:00am IST. 

Supermoon with HDR processing

Date: 5th May 2012
Camera: Canon EOS 550D
Telescope: 10" f/4.7 Dob @ prime focus
Exposure: 1/1000 sec @ ISO 100
Processed in Picasa image editor and Photoshop

Rising Perigee Moon sequence during 6th May

Taken on 6th May 2012.
5 images combined through star trails software
Camera: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: 55-250mm IS set @ 84mm

The Supermoon and Aina Mahal of Bhuj
Date: 6th May 2012
A composition of two images stacked with startrails software.
