The Great Orion Nebula, NGC 1977 & NGC 1981

Yesterday on a very clear night I decided to take photograph of Messier 42, The Great Orion Nebula. I used my Sky-watcher short-tube achromatic refractor for the first time to photograph this object. I used my unmodified Canon EOS 550D and took 10 JPEG images, each lasting for three minutes at ISO 1600. When stacked this morning the final image that came wasn’t very promising and there was lot of noise.

I then deleted four images having little trails and processed rest of the images in Photoshop before I stack in Deep Sky Stacker. I adjusted levels and reduced the noise in each six images and then stacked them in deep sky stacker. Finally after post processing in Photoshop CS6 this is what I got! Below is the detail of my set up and camera settings…

Date: December 10th
Location: Bhuj, Gujarat -India
Telescope: Sky-watcher st102 f/5 Achromatic Refractor
Camera: Canon EOS 550D
Exposure: 6 x 180 seconds (unguided), no darks and no flats
Mount: Sky-watcher EQ5 with single axis motor tracking
